Personalized Consultation Services

With Ashley

Sharpen your strategy and discover the exact steps to place your childcare business in the top 1% of successful ownership. Get targeted support and personalized answImageers to your pressing questions.

Are you ready to take your childcare business to the next level? Whether you’re just starting out or looking to streamline and grow, my 1:1 Consultation Services are designed to provide you with the targeted support you need. From budget planning, Location assistance to automated hiring and marketing, along with operations assistance I’ve got you covered.

-Ashley Binns

Select a Consultation Service

Personalized Video Feedback

Need quick, actionable advice? Submit your business materials, and receive a concise, personalized video review up to 30 minutes long. Gain clarity and direction with expert feedback tailored to your specific needs.

1:1 Consultation

I offer personalized 1:1 Consultation Services for ECE entrepreneurs to help you gain clarity and create an action plan for your next steps. Whether you need assistance with launching your childcare business, automating operations, or planning expansion, I can guide you through the process and provide expert insights tailored to your specific needs. Schedule your consultation today to turn your childcare business vision into reality!

Unlock Your Potential

Water by Bozé Rinka

"Water, in its essence, teaches us the most profound lessons on transformation and resilience. It adapts, flows, and even carves its path through solid rock, not by force but through persistence and patience. In our journey towards self-improvement, water serves as the perfect metaphor for the process of personal growth and the embracing of change."

From Chapter 5: Embracing the Currents of Change

Business Phase Audits

Get an in-depth analysis of your business by choosing one of my specialized phase audits. Each audit comes with a comprehensive review and a 30-minute one-on-one consultation with me to go over the findings and recommendations.

Phase 1:

Budget and Funding Audit

Discover potential grant opportunities and assess your financial readiness. I’ll review your business plan and financial management setup using my 9-tab Excel Budget Workbook. Ensure you have financial clarity and control, and get guidance on navigating grants and financing options.. here

Phase 2:

Location and Licensing Audit

Secure a profitable location and navigate licensing regulations with ease. I’ll audit your current location strategy, provide negotiation tips, and ensure you’re on track with all necessary licenses. Maximize your earnings and streamline your acquisition process with our expert insights.

Phase 3:

Automated Hiring Audit

Streamline your hiring process with an automated system. I’ll review your hiring setup, onboarding procedures, and in-house substitute program. Get feedback on your staffing flow chart and job advertisement strategies to ensure you’re ready to open with a strong team.

Phase 4:

Automated Marketing Audit

Set up an effective marketing strategy for your childcare business. I’ll audit your branding, CRM system, and marketing website. Learn how to position yourself in the marketplace and attract clients from day one with our detailed feedback and recommendations.

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